Graduate School Information

Research and Teaching Areas of Qualified Teachers

*Cooperation with JIRCAS.

As of Augustl 23, 2024

Bioproduction and Bioenvironmental Sciences

Agricultural Production Science

Qualified major supervisor
Name of Major Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
ARAKI Hideki Yamaguchi Agronomy Function of plant production under environmental stresses and its agronomical application
KOBAYASHI Nobuo Shimane Horticultural Breeding Evaluation of plant genetic resources and applications for breeding
TAKAHASHI Tadashi Yamaguchi Crop Science Establishment of low-cost and low-input crop cultivation systems
TAKEMURA Yoshihiro Tottori Horticultural Science Studies on the crop ecophysiology in horticultural crops
TANAKA Hiroyuki Tottori Plant Genetics Genetic and breeding studies on improving quality of wheat flour
TSURUNAGA Yoko Shimane Food Processing Studies on manufacturing method and functionality in food processing
NAKATSUKA Akira Shimane Molecular Breeding of Horticultural Crop Molecular breeding for agriculturally useful traits in horticulture crops
NONAMI Kazuyoshi Tottori Agricultural Production Engineering Mechanization of agricultural work
MATSUMOTO Shingo Shimane Biochemistry of Soil and Plant Nutrition Studies on the mechanism of plant nutrient acquisition in relation to soil fertility
MATSUMOTO Toshikazu Shimane Fruit science Studies on fruit growing and processed food
YANO Akira Shimane Plant Environmental Engineering Application of photonics technology in plant cultivation environments


Qualified supervisor
Name of Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
IKEURA Hiromi Shimane Postharvest Horticulture  Studies on the aroma and functionality of horticultural plants.
UJIIE Kazuhiro Shimane Crop Science Studies on the introduction of quinoa cultivation in San'in region
ESUMI Tomoya Shimane Horticultural Crop Physiology Reproductive physiology in fruit and ornamental trees
KADONO Atsunobu Tottori(Tottori University of Environmental Studies) Soil Science Pedology-based modeling of biogeochemical cycles
KADOWAKI Masayuki Shimane Crop Science Studies on the photosynthesis and dry matter production in field crops
KIM Junghee  Yamguchi Fruit science Inheritance of various traits in fruit trees and their use in breeding
XU Donghe Tottori(JIRCAS) Plant Breeding Plant Genetic Resoursces
KOBAYASI Kazuhiro Shimane Crop Science Crop production under abiotic stresses
KONDO Kensuke Tottori Vegetable Science Studies on vegetable cultivation technology
SHIGYO Masayoshi Yamguchi Vegetable Crop Science Studies on Breeding and Cultivation of Vegetables
SHIRO Sokichi Shimane Soil Microbiology Studies on the improvement of legume crop productivity by utilizing symbiotic nitrogen fixation
TANAKA Hideyuki Shimane Horticultural Science Studies on production of horicultural plants

Managerial Economics

Qualified major supervisor
Name of Major Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
TSUTSUI Kazunobu Tottori Rural Geography / Regional Economics Studies on regional economy and community development in Rural areas
WAN  Li Tottori Marketing Information Analytics Agricultural products distribution channels and econometric analysis of market information
MATSUDA Toshinobu Tottori Economics of Consumer Behavior Empirical analysis of consumer behavior, especially food demand
MATSUMURA Ichizen Tottori Farm Management Studies on the relationship between farm management and rural society
YASUNAGA Nobuyoshi Shimane Regional Economics Sustainability of farmlands, communities, and economies in less favored areas
YASUNOBU Kumi Tottori International agricultural development studies Agricultural and rural development in Southeast Asia


Qualified supervisor
Name of Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
ASRES Elias Baysa Tottori Rural Development and Agricultural Extension Socio-economic studies of rural and agricultural development interventions in Africa and Southeast Asia, with a particular focus on understanding their effects on farm productivity, livelihoods, and poverty alleviation
KIHARA Nahoko Tottori Agribusiness Accounting Organizational management and accounting in agriculture and rural areas
MORI Yoshiko Shimane Agricultural Management Research on new methods of agricultural finance based on relationship banking and collaboration among financial institutions

Forest and Watershed Environmental Sciences

Qualified major supervisor
Name of Major Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
ISHII Masayuki Shimane Regional infrastructure Engineering Development of designing method for renovation of irrigation facilities
IWASAKI Nobusuke Tottori Geographic Information Science Application of Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) and Open Data for analyzing historical landscape changes in Satochi-Satoyama (traditional rural areas)
KUBO Masako Shimane Plant Ecology Plant ecology, vegetation and conservation
NAGAMATSU Dai Tottori Plant Ecology Population dynamics of forest and grassland, vegetation science and biodiversity conservation
FUJIMOTO Takaaki Tottori Wood Physics Analysis of wood property variation, and development of measurement techniques
YOSHIMURA Tetsuhiko Shimane Forest Utilization Social and technological issues in forest utilization and wood harvesting


Qualified supervisor
Name of Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
IWANAGA Fumiko Tottori Tree Physiology Tree ecophysiology in forests
UENO Kazuhiro Shimane Water Circulation Design Engineering Development of maintenance and disaster prevention methods for irrigation and drainage facilities
KATO Sadahisa Tottori(Tottori University of Environmental Studies) Ecological Planning Nature-based Solutions, Green Infrastructure
KUWABARA Tomoyuki Shimane Water Environmental Conservation Conservation and restoration of water environment, and purification of waste water and environmental water
SUGAMORI Yoshiaki Tottori Historical Geology Approaching the geohistory and mechanism of the Earth with geology
TAKAHASHI Erina Shimane Silviculture Research on forest management of artificial forests and dynamics of natural forests
HAGA Hirokazu Tottori Forest Hydrology Water cycle, organic matter export, and instream wood dynamics
YAMAHITA Tamon Shimane Forest Science Forest Ecology and Environment
YAMANAKA Keisuke Tottori Silvicultere Research on forestry and forest management
YONE Yasumichi Shimane Forest Remote Sensing Studies on forest measurement and resource management using satellites, airborne, UAVs and terrestrial lasers.

Environmental Bioscience

Qualified major supervisor
Name of Major Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
ARANISHI Futoshi Shimane Conservation ecology Conservation genetics and evolutionary ecology of hydrobiosphere
UENO Makoto Shimane Plant Pathology Studies on the expression of resistance in plant-microbe interaction
KAMINAKA Hironori Tottori Plant-Microbe Interactions Molecular mechanisms of immune response and mycorrhizal symbiosis in plants
KARASAWA Shigenori Tottori Biodiversity Genetic diversity and species diversity of invertebrates
KIHARA Junichi Shimane Plant Pathology Photoresponces of the phytopathogenic fungi
KODAMA Motoichiro Tottori Plant Pathology Molecular mechanisms in plant-microbe interactions and plant disease resistance
TAKEMATSU Yoko Yamaguchi Ecological Entomology Biodiversity and ecology of termites
HOSOI Eiji Yamaguchi Applied Animal Ecology Ecological study of pest and/or endangered animal species for conservation and management
YAMAGUCHI Keiko Shimane Aquatic Ecology Studies on ecology of benthic animals and aquatic environments


Qualified supervisor
Name of Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
IZUMI Yohei Shimane Insect Physiology Studies on diapause and cold hardiness in insect
OSAKI Kumiko Tottori Plant pathology Studies on plant disease control in plant-pathogen interactions
KIDO Kazutaka Tottori Plant Pathology Mechanism of seed borne diseases by plant-pathogenic bacteria
SASAKI Kazunori Yamguchi Plant Pathology Mechanisms of pathogenicity expression in plant-microbe interactions
SHIMIZU-KAYA Usun Shimane Insect Ecology Species interactions of insects and plants
NAKA Hideshi Tottori Applied Entomology Pest control focusing on pheromones and other chemical ecological methods
HAYASHI Shohei Shimane Microbial Ecology Ecology of soybean-nodulating rhizobia, Antarctic bacteria, and cyanobacteria in the environment and their applications
HORINOUCHI Masahiro Shimane Fish Ecology Fish ecology in coastal habitats such as seagrass beds and mangrove areas
YANAGI Yukiko Yamguchi Soil Science Dynamics of soil organic matter / Soil genesis

Bioresource and Life Sciences

Fungus and Mushroom Sciences

Qualified major supervisor
Name of Major Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
AIMI Tadanori Tottori Biochemical Technology of Microorganisms Biochemistry, molecular biology and biotechnology of microbial production
SHIMOMURA Norihiro Tottori Mushroom Breeding and Cultivation Studies on breeding and cultivation of mushroom resources
SOTOME Kozue Tottori Mushroom Phylogeny and Taxonomy Phylogenetic taxonomy of mushrooms, and ecological researches of wood-decaying basidiomycetes


Qualified supervisor
Name of Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
ENDO Naoki Tottori Taxonomy and Ecology of Fungi Resource enrichment, phylo-taxonomy, and ecology of mycorrhizal mushrooms

Bioscience and Biotechnology

Qualified major supervisor
Name of Major Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
ARIMA Jiro Tottori Bio-Functional Chemistry Functional analysis of enzymes and microorganisms, and their application to industry
ISHIKAWA Takahiro Shimane Plant Molecular Physiology Biosynthesis pathway of antioxidants and metabolism of reactive oxygen species in photosynthetic organisms
IWASAKI Takashi Tottori Bioregulatory Chemistry Development and screening of bioactive substances regulating biological function
SHIOTSUKI Takahiro Shimane Insect Chemical Biology and Agrobio-Regulators Chemical biology and molecular mechanisms in regulation of insect development and their applications
MATSUO Yasuhiro Shimane Microbial Genetics Cell signaling and cell cycle control in fission yeast
MANO Jun'ichi Yamaguchi Mechanisms of Environmental Stress-tolerance in Plants Elucidation and application of plant tolerance mechanisms against bitotic environmental stresses
MARUTA Takanori Shimane Plant Physiology Redox metabolism network and stress response in plants


Qualified supervisor
Name of Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
OGAWA Takahisa Shimane Plant molecular physiology Metabolism of  vitamin-derived coenzymes in plants
KAINO Tomohiro Shimane Applied microbiology Elucidation of biosynthesis, regulatory mechanism and function of coenzyme Q (ubiquinone)
KATAOKA Naoya Yamguchi Fermentation Physiology and Engineering Understanding of physiological characteristics of fermentation microorganisms and its biotechnological application
KOSAKA Tomoyuki Yamguchi Functional microbiology Research using microbial cells to study gene function
SATO Yu Yamguchi Microbial Biothermology Research on temperature adaptation mechanisms of microorganisms and their applications
NAKAGAWA Tsuyoshi Shimane Plant Molecular Genetics Functional analysis of genes responsible for growth and development of plants
HACHIYA Takushi Shimane Plant Nutrition and Physiology Nitrogen responses in plants
YAKUSHI Toshiharu Yamguchi Biochemistry Biochemistry
YAMAMOTO Atsushi Tottori(Tottori University of Environmental Studies) Mass spectrometry in Environmental Science Exploration and evaluation of functional or toxic substances in the environment using mass spectrometry
YUYAMA Ikuko Yamguchi BiologyEnvironmental microbiology Research on symbiotic associations with microbes
YOSHIDA Masa-aki Shimane Genome Biology Evolution and biodiversity of marine invertebrates based on genome information

Applied Bioresource Chemistry

Qualified major supervisor
Name of Major Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
AZAKAMI Hiroyuki Yamaguchi Molecular Microbiology Molecular mechanisms of bacterial colonization to host surface
ISHIHARA Atsushi Tottori Natural Product Chemistry Function, Biological activity, and Biosynthesis of metabolites produced by plants and microorganisms
ICHIYANAGI Tsuyoshi Tottori Organic Chemistry The molecular design and functional analysis of bioactive compounds
KAWANO Tsuyoshi Tottori Bioorganic Chemistry Regulation of diapause, metabolism and longevity corresponding to the growth environment
JISAKA Mitsuo Shimane Chemistry in Food Function Modification of functional components in foods using enzymes and microorganisms
SHIMIZU Hidehisa Shimane Nutritional Pathophysiology Study on the relationship between food-derived bacterial metabolites or cyanobacteria-derived toxins, and pathogenesis of diseases
TAMURA Jun-ichi Tottori Organic Chemistry Chemical synthesis of bioactive glycans and isolation/characterization of natural glycans
BITO Tomohiro Tottori Food Function Research on the biological functions of vitamins and other food components contained in foods
MUROTA Kaeko Shimane Bioavailability and Food Function Bioavailability and physiological function of lipophilic food factors
YABUTA Yukinori Tottori Nutritional Science Studies on the function of antioxidant vitamins and oxidative stress response
YAMAMOTO Tatsuyuki Shimane Bio-molecular Spectroscopy Spectroscopic studies on life science and medical applications


Qualified supervisor
Name of Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
AKAKABE Yoshihiko Yamguchi Organic Chemistry Search for naturally active compounds
IUCHI Yoshihito Yamguchi Functional Food Chemistry Study on biomolecular mechanism of the long-lived termite for anti-aging and longevity
ISHIGAKI Mika Shimane Molecular spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry  Non-destructive analysis of living bodies and biomolecules using molecular vibrational spectroscopies
UENO Kotomi Tottori Bioactive Chemistry Identification and development of plant hormone-like compounds
OZAKI Shin-ichi Yamguchi Chemistry Structure and function of enzymes
KIMATA Yoko Yamguchi Biomolecular science Elucidation and application of the anabolic metabolic control mechanism of plants
KOEDUKA Takao Yamguchi Plant biochemistry Major Research Interests: Plant metabolism and biochemistry
NISHIMURA Kohji Shimane Plant Molecular Cell Biology Study of membrane trafficking of plant proteins and generation and application of health functional plants
NOOTHALAPATI  Hemanth Shimane Bio-molecular Spectroscopy Biomedical applications of Raman spectroscopy coupled with big data analysis
MAENO Shintaro Yamguchi Food Microbiology Bacterial taxonomy and environmental adaptation
MATSUI Kenji Yamguchi Plant Biochemistry Study on plant metabolic pathway and its ecophysiological function
MIYATA Hirofumi Yamguchi Applied Physiology Plasticity of neuromuscular function in mammals
YOSHIKIYO Keisuke Shimane Molecular recognition engineering Food applications of molecular capsules

Global Dryland Science

Global Dryland Science

Qualified major supervisor
Name of Major Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
AKASHI Kinya Tottori Molecular and Cellular biology Molecular responses of drought-tolerant plants and their application to molecular breeding
Nigussie Haregeweyn AYEHU Tottori Land Management Watershed processes monitoring, modeling and management
AN Ping Tottori Plant Eco-Physiology Physiological responses and relative mechanisms of plants and plant ecophysiology in dry lands
ISHII Takayoshi Tottori Plant Cytogenetics Improving crops through cellular engineering methods
ICHINOHE Toshiyoshi Shimane Livestock Feeding Evaluation of ruminants production system
INOSAKO Koji Tottori Soil and Water Management Conservation, restoration and sustainable use of soil and water environment
IBARAKI Yasuomi Yamaguchi Bio-environmental Control Engineering Environmental control in plant production
ENDO Tsuneyoshi Tottori Soil Chemistry Influence of soil properties and irrigation water quality on soil salinization/sodication in irrigated farmlands of arid regions
OGATA Hidehiko Tottori Irrigation and Drainage Facilities Engineering Evaluation of construction materials and structural performance of irrigation and drainage structures
KISHII Masahiro
Tottori Plant genetic resource development Research and utilization of plant genetic resources with high environmental tolerance for breeding
KINUGASA Toshihiko Tottori Dryland Restoration and Conservation Ecology Ecology and ecophysiology of plants in arid and semi-arid grasslands
KIMURA Reiji Tottori Boundary Layer Meteorology Heat and water balance in arid lands
KUROSAKI Yasunori Tottori Dryland Climatology Climate change and variability, wind erosion, dust emission in drylands, and impacts of aeolian dust on climate
SHIMIZU Katsuyuki Tottori Water Use and Management Monitoring and assessment of irrigation water management
SUZUKI Kenji Yamaguchi Meteorology Observational study on precipitation mechanisms and development of instruments for hydrometeor measurements
TAGAWA Kotaro Tottori Renewable Energy Engineering Technological development and optimal design of renewable energy systems and components
TANIGUCHI Takeshi Tottori Microbial Ecology Soil and root microbial ecology and the application
TSUNEKAWA Atsushi Tottori Conservation Informatics Monitoring and modeling of plant production and ecosystem change in drylands
TSUBO Mitsuru Tottori Climate Risk Management Dryland agrometeorology and climate-smart agriculture
NISHIHARA Eiji Tottori Crop Production in Drylands Construction of crop production system in areas including drylands
HYODO Masahiro Tottori Facilities and Environmental Materials Rehabilitation management of agricultural irrigation facilities and development of environmental materials
FUJIMAKI Haruyuki Tottori Soil Conservation Development of methods for preventing salt accumulation and erosion and remediation of degraded soils
YAMADA Satoshi Tottori Plant Nutrition Mechanisms of Response to Stresses of Plants in Arid Regions
YAMAMOTO Sadahiro Tottori Environmental Soil Science Conservation of soil environment and sustainable use of farmland in arid regions


Qualified supervisor
Name of Supervisor University Research and Educational Field
Major Major Research Interests
SAITO Tadaomi Tottori Soil and water management and conservation Development and evaluation of environmental monitoring methods for arid land soils, hydrology and vegetation
SAKUMA Shun Tottori Plant breeding Genomic breeding of Triticeae plants
SAGO Yuki Yamguchi Protected horticulture Monitoring and modeling of plant physiology in protected horticulture
SATO Kuniaki Shimane Soil Ecological Engineering Environmental restoration and resource recycling by soil ecological engineering
SONG Sanghoun Shimane Animal Physiology Animal nutritional physiology & Insect production and utilization
HAYASHI Keiichi Tottori(JIRCAS) Climate risk management Agro-climate and climate change-responsive agriculture in developing regions including arid lands
MEGA Ryosuke Yamguchi Plant Breeding Science Molecular analysis of plant drought-tolerant and water-saving mechanism and breeding of new crop cultivar
YAMAZAKI Yuri Tottori Hydrospheric environmental science Study on the assessment of the impact of the aquatic environment in agricultural areas