Graduate School Information

Organization and Faculty Members

The UGSAS is organized on the bases of the three Master’s Courses of Tottori, Shimane and Yamaguchi Universities, the Research Facilities of each University and Arid Land Research Center, Tottori University. The School is operated in close alliance and cooperation with the Master’s Courses of the three universities, but it is an independent three-year Doctoral Course separated from the Master’s Courses.

Research Division and Faculty Members

The UGSAS consists of three Doctoral Courses: Bioproduction and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Bioresource and Life Sciences and Global Dryland Science.

(As of June 1, 2023)

Course Division Number of Faculty Members
Professors Associate
Bioproduction and
Production Science
14 10(1) 0 0 24(1)
5 4 1 0 10
Forest and Watershed
Environmental Sciences
4 7 1 1 13
8 7 0 2 17
Bioresource and
Fungus and
Mushroom Sciences
3 0 0 1 4
Bioscience and
10 7 0 1 18
Applied Bioresource
14 8 0 2 24
Global Dryland
Global Dryland
21(1) 14(1) 0 1 36(2)
Total 79(1) 57(2) 2 8 146(3)
  1. Number of Facluty Members means Professors, Associate Professors, Junior Associate Professors and Assistant Professors who are qualified as major supervisors or associate supervisors of the UGSAS.
  2. Numbers of invited Professors and Associate Professors in cooperation with JIRCAS (Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences) are indicated in parenthesis.


Staff of the United Graduate School

(As of April 1, 2023)

Dean   Motoichiro KODAMA Tottori
Vice Dean Full time Professor Hidehiko OGATA Tottori
Representatives of each Division    
Bioproduction and
Agricultural Production Science Tadashi TAKAHASHI Yamaguchi
Managerial Economics Toshinobu MATSUDA Tottori
Forest and Watershed Environmental Sciences Masayuki ISHII Shimane
Environmental Bioscience Keiko YAMAGUCHI Shimane

Bioresource and Life


Fungus and Mushroom Sciences Kozue SOTOME Tottori
Bioscience and Biotechnology Jun'ichi MANO  Yamaguchi
Applied Bioresource Chemistry Kaeko MUROTA   Shimane
Global Dryland Science Global Dryland Science Yasunori KUROSAKI  Tottori

Representative Staffs of the Participating Universities

(As of April 1, 2023)

Tottori President Hiromitsu NAKAJIMA
Dean of the Faculty of Agirculture, Chair of the Department of Agricultural Science of the Graduate School of Sustainability Science Kinya AKASHI
Chair of the Department of Dryland Science of the Graduate School of Sustainability Science Koji INOSAKO
Administrative Head of the Faculty of Agriculture Hiroshi TOKUNAGAI
Shimane President Yasunao HATTORI
Dean of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Vice Dean of the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology Makoto UENO
Manager of Matsue Faculties Administration Department Kensaku TAKEDA
Yamaguchi President Masaaki OKA
Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Vice Dean of the Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation Hirofumi MIYATA
Administrative Head of the Faculty of Agriculture HirokoTANAKA

Fundamental Organization of the UGSAS

Fundamental Organization of the UGSAS Graduate School of Sustainability Science,Tottori University(Master’s Course) Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology,Shimane University(Master’s Course) Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation,Yamaguchi University(Master’s Course) Graduate School of Environmental Management,Tottori University of Environmental Studies(Master’s Course) Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences(Cooperation)
Fundamental Organization of the UGSAS Graduate School of Sustainability Science,Tottori University(Master’s Course) Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology,Shimane University (Master’s Course) Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation,Yamaguchi University(Master’s Course) Graduate School of Environmental Management,Tottori University of Environmental Studies(Master’s Course) Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences(Cooperation)
  • Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University
  • Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Shimane University
  • Graduate School of Sustainability Science , Tottori University