Outline of Courses - Bioresource and Life Sciences
Fungus and Mushroom Sciences

The major goal of this division is to foster human resources who can contribute to promote research by utilizing various useful functions and developing unused functions of fungi including mushrooms in the fields of environmental preservation, biotechnology, health promotion, and food production. To achieve this goal, the division develops a wide range of advanced education and research on fungus/mushroom resource sciences from basic research field related to the search, evaluation and preservation of fungus/mushroom resources to applied research field.
Bioscience and Biotechnology

The major focus of this Division is on molecular and cellular characterization and functional analysis of living organisms and on their biotechnological applications to agricultural production. This Division offers basic and applied research programs to study plants, insects, microorganisms, and mammals. The research subjects are applied microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, entomology, molecular biology, and radiation biology.
Applied Bioresource Chemistry

The major goal of this division is to develop advanced utilization of biological resources using chemical and biological techniques and tools (chemical biology). This division has basic and applied research programs to characterize biologically active compounds (from small molecules to macromolecules) from the biological resources in the fields of bioorganic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, biochemistry, food and nutritional chemistry, molecular and cellular biology, and structural biology. These programs contribute to the improvement of agricultural production or the development of the compounds related to functional food and medicine.